Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation
There are presently no open calls for submissions.
Funding Opportunities
Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation is the charitable arm of Delta Dental of Illinois. In the past 10+ years, combined efforts of both organizations have provided more than $20 million to programs and organizations in Illinois that improve the health and well-being of people in Illinois, with a specific focus on children.
Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation primarily focuses its grantmaking on programs and/or organizations targeting children that address our key priorities below:
- Oral Health Education and Awareness
- Access to Oral Health Care – specifically programs that also educate and inform
- Dental Workforce Development
Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation provides funding for:
- Program/project costs;
- Equipment and supplies related to the program/project;
- Salaries related to the program/project.
Organizations receiving funding must:
- Have physical presence in the state of Illinois and must benefit Illinois children;
- Be a public charity classified as exempt from federal income taxes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; or
- Be a public or governmental entity such as a public school or health department